Livres (avec comité de lecture)
Anthony Kevins. (2017) Expanding Welfare in an Age of Austerity: Increasing Protection in an Unprotected World, Amsterdam University Press (Série : Changing Welfare States).
Articles (dans des revues avec comité de lecture)
Anthony Kevins et Joshua Robison. (OnlineFirst) « Do the Origins of Climate Assemblies Shape Public Reactions? Examining the Impact of Partisanship », European Journal of Political Research.
Anthony Kevins et Naomi Lightman. (2025) « Satisfaction with Social Care in the UK: Assessing the Interactive Effects of Age and Ideology », International Journal of Social Welfare, 34(1): e12710.
Alexander Horn, Anthony Kevins et Kees van Kersbergen. (2024) « Workfare and Attitudes toward the Unemployed: New Evidence on Policy Feedback from 1990 to 2018 », Comparative Political Studies, 57(5), 818-850.
Alexander Horn, Anthony Kevins et Kees van Kersbergen. (2023) « The Paternalist Politics of Punitive and Enabling Workfare: Evidence from a New Dataset on Workfare Reforms in 16 Countries, 1980-2015 », Socio-Economic Review, 21(4): 2137–2166.
-Récipiendaire du prix du meilleur article publié en 2023 dans Socio-Economic Review
Anthony Kevins et Barbara Vis. (2023) « Do Public Consultations Reduce Blame Attribution? The Impact of Consultation Characteristics, Gender, and Gender Attitudes », Political Behavior, 45: 1121–1142.
-Résumé sur Stuk Rood Vlees et le Political Behavior Blog
Anthony Kevins et Seonghui Lee. (2023) « Projection in the Face of Centrism: Voter Inferences about Candidates’ Party Affiliation in Low-information Contexts », Political Psychology, 44(2): 319-336.
Anthony Kevins. (2022) « Distributing Democratic Influence: External Efficacy and the Preferred Influence of Policy Winners and Losers », International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 34(4): 1-11.
Anthony Kevins. (2022) « Input from Whom? Public Reactions to Different Consultation Measures », Political Studies, 70(2): 281-303.
Anthony Kevins et Naomi Lightman. (2022) « How Should the Government Treat Asylum Seekers? The Role of Labour Market Vulnerability and Ethnic Diversity in Europe », Social Science Research, 104.
Alexander Horn, Anthony Kevins, Carsten Jensen et Kees van Kersbergen. (2021) « Political Parties and Social Groups: New Perspectives and Data on Group and Policy Appeals », Party Politics, 27(5): 983–995.
Naomi Lightman et Anthony Kevins. (2021) « ‘Women’s Work’: Welfare State Spending and the Gendered and Classed Dynamics of Unpaid Care », Gender & Society, 35(5): 778-805.
-Résumé sur Work in Progress et le Gender & Society Blog
Anthony Kevins. (2021) « Race, Class, or Both? Responses to Candidate Characteristics in Canada, the UK, and the US », Politics, Groups, and Identities, 9(4): 699-720.
-Couverture médiatique dans le Vancouver Sun
Anthony Kevins et Joshua Robison. (2021) « Who Should Get a Say? Race, Law Enforcement Guidelines, and Systems of Representation », Political Psychology, 42(1): 71-91.
Anthony Kevins et Naomi Lightman. (2020) « Immigrant Sentiment and Labour Market Vulnerability: Economic Perceptions of Immigration in Dualized Labour Markets », Comparative European Politics, 18(3): 460–484.
Anthony Kevins, Alexander Horn, Carsten Jensen et Kees van Kersbergen. (2020) « Motive Attribution and the Moral Politics of the Welfare State », Journal of Social Policy, 49(1): 145-165.
-Résumé sur le Social Policy Blog
Naomi Lightman et Anthony Kevins. (2019) « Bonus or Burden? Care Work, Inequality, and Job Satisfaction in Eighteen European Countries », European Sociological Review, 35(6): 825–844.
Anthony Kevins. (2019) « Dualized Trust: Risk, Social Trust, and the Welfare State », Socio-Economic Review, 17(4): 875–897.
Carsten Jensen et Anthony Kevins. (2019) « Numbers and Attitudes Towards Welfare State Generosity », Political Studies, 67(2): 496–516.
-Récipiendaire du prix du meilleur article publié en 2019 dans Political Studies
-Résumé sur le LSE British Politics & Policy Blog
Anthony Kevins et Kees van Kersbergen. (2019) « The Effects of Welfare State Universalism on Migrant Integration », Policy & Politics, 47(1): 115-132.
-Résumé sur Discover Society et le Policy & Politics Journal Blog
Anthony Kevins, Alexander Horn, Carsten Jensen et Kees van Kersbergen. (2019) « The Illusion of Class in Welfare State Politics? », Journal of Social Policy, 48(1): 21-41.
Anthony Kevins, Alexander Horn, Carsten Jensen et Kees van Kersbergen. (2018) « Yardsticks of Inequality: Preferences for Redistribution in Advanced Democracies », Journal of European Social Policy, 28(4): 402-418.
Alexander Horn et Anthony Kevins. (2018) « Problem Pressure and Social Policy Innovation: Lessons from 19th-Century Germany », Social Science History, 42(3): 495-515.
Anthony Kevins et Stuart Soroka. (2018) « Growing Apart? Partisan Sorting in Canada, 1992-2015 », Canadian Journal of Political Science, 51(1): 103-133.
-Couverture médiatique dans The Globe and Mail et Maclean’s
Alexander Horn, Anthony Kevins, Carsten Jensen et Kees van Kersbergen. (2017) « Peeping at the Corpus – What is Really Going on Behind the Equality and Welfare Items of the Manifesto Project? », Journal of European Social Policy, 27(5) : 403-416.
Stuart Soroka, Richard Johnston, Anthony Kevins, Keith Banting et Will Kymlicka. (2016) « Migration and Welfare State Spending », European Political Science Review, 8(2): 173-194.
Anthony Kevins. (2015) « Political Actors and the Extension of Welfare Coverage », Journal of European Social Policy, 25(3): 303-315.
Chapitres de Livre
Anthony Kevins et Barbara Vis. (2024) « Blame, Public Consultations, and the Impact of Gender », The Politics and Governance and Blame, Matthew Flinders, Gergana Dimova, Markus Hinterleitner, R. A. W. Rhodes, and R. Kent Weaver (eds.), Oxford University Press: 732-766.
Alexander Horn et Anthony Kevins. (2023) « Ever the Committed Egalitarians – or the End of Scandinavian Exceptionalism? Comparing Equality and Welfare State Preferences among Voters and Parties », No Normal Science! Festschrift for Kees van Kersbergen, Christoffer Green-Pedersen, Carsten Jensen, and Barbara Vis (eds.), Politica: 160-172. [Livre disponible en ligne gratuitement ici]
Anthony Kevins. (2022) « The Impact of Labour Market Vulnerability: Explaining Attitudes toward Immigration in Europe », Comparative Public Opinion, Cameron D. Anderson and Mathieu Turgeon (eds.), Routledge: 259-283.
Anthony Kevins. (2022) « When Does Immigration Shape Support for a Universal Basic Income? The Role of Education and Employment Status », The Handbook on Migration and Welfare, Markus M. L. Crepaz (ed.), Edward Elgar Publishing: 137-155.